Abstract submission is closed!
All session proposals must be submitted online and require the information specified below. The information provided within the proposal will be used to highlight accepted sessions in the preliminary and final programs. The online submission site provides additional directions and prompts submitters to enter the required information
Session Types:
Session Title:
A session title should not exceed 115 characters and should be:
Interesting: The title should entice learners to want to know more about the session content.
Relevant: The title should be pertinent to the session content.
Focused: The title should describe the session content.
*The organizer reserves the right to edit the session title in its effort to market the session to attendees. Notifications of title changes will be communicated to the session chair.
1. Target Audience
Provide a description of the audience for which the presentation is intended. i.e Sleep Techs, Sleep Physicians
2. Brief Overview of Session
Provide a 2-3 sentence overview of the session to be used for marketing to attendees
3. Tracks
Sleep Technologist: This track focuses on conducting studies, titration and scoring
Clinical Sleep Science and Practice: This track focuses on clinical practice, policy, populations, or research with an immediate clinical or direct clinical application.
4. Learning Objectives
Provide 3-4 measurable learning objectives for the session. Complete the phrase, “Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to…”
5. Content
Describe the educational content of the session. The description will be used for evaluation purposes and should explain the background, purpose, and significance of the proposed topic. All sessions except discussion groups should include a detailed agenda of the session.
6. Speakers
Below is the information that must be provided for each session participant:
First Name / Last Name
Professional Degree(s)
Contact information including address, phone number and email address (email is REQUIRED for every speaker).
Individual presentation title for speaker